Engine Repair Service Savings in Corpus Christi, TX

Engine Repair

Drivers and technicians consider the engine the quintessential part of any car. It determines the car’s driving characteristics and impacts safety, comfort, and efficiency. If your engine wears out, it can cost you big time. Not only will a suboptimal engine use more gas and oil, but it can also cause long-term damage to other parts. It might make your tires and brakes wear unevenly. Routine engine repair service is a small investment in keeping your vehicle running as long as possible. It can also keep you safe and save you money at the gas pump.

At Mike Shaw Kia, we have an on-site automotive service center that makes engine repair service accessible for drivers in Corpus Christi, TX. Our prices are low, thanks to our auto service coupons or specials. Schedule your engine repair service online to avoid waiting when you visit Mike Shaw Kia in Corpus Christi, TX.

When Do You Need Engine Repair Service?

Fortunately, engines are not prone to breakage. You can also prevent unnecessary repairs through routine maintenance. To this end, you can use your car’s manual to determine when to schedule things like oil changes and drive belt replacement. The manual should also give you advice on operating the vehicle with minimal wear on the engine. You’ll also get pointers on maintaining other parts of the car that might affect the engine performance.

Your car manual will tell you how your car’s “Check Engine” light looks. The light indicates that your car’s computer has detected a problem with its engine. It differs from the “Service Engine” light, meaning it is time for an oil change. You often need a specialized tool to determine why the “Check Engine” light lit up, and we can help out at Mike Shaw Kia.

Some other signs mean there might be a problem with your engine. If your car is expelling excessive exhaust, it could mean it is burning too much fuel or that there is a leak. The leak could be oil or coolant, which make blue or white exhaust, respectively. Excess gasoline burns a dark gray.

Your engine might also emit a loud knocking if its bearings have worn or a high-pitched squeal if the drive belt needs replacement. All of these engine problems merit an immediate visit to the automotive service center at Mike Shaw Kia in Corpus Christi, TX. Our service technicians can take care of your car and find problems to fix. Schedule an appointment today for engine repair service.

Schedule Engine Repair at Mike Shaw Kia

You want to invest in your car’s engine through maintenance and routine service to ensure it stands up to the test of time. Automotive engine repair service comes easy when you stop by Mike Shaw Kia to take advantage of our professional experts and automotive service specials. Schedule a service appointment now to make sure you do not ever overspend on repairs.

Mike Shaw Kia 27.697490, -97.347780.